What tech stuffs behind this site ?

From the official website : Ghost is a fully open source, adaptable platform for building and running a modern online publication. We power blogs, magazines and journalists from Zappos to Sky News.
My lover, he never left me down.
CDN and more.
Nginx as reverse proxy for Ghost.
Percona mySQL as database system.
Fully containerized environment to be able to quickly spawn the site and its various components (Ghost, Nginx, Percona and Isso).
Ghost extra features
I use this theme : https://github.com/Fried-Chicken/news-outlet.
Multiple langage
I have a multiple langage setup thanks to this this documentation.
All of the french content can be found here.
Syntax Highlighting
I use the Prism.js library to add Syntax Highlighting (yaml, json, html, css and more...), Prism JS and CSS generator is here.
Markdown syntax :
"example": "one",
"example": "two",
# Example
- one
- two
Result :
"example": "one",
"example": "two",
# Example
- one
- two
I collect the metrics through telegraf (disk, CPU, RAM, web server performances, Docker) and send them to an Influxdb database located on an external monitoring server. I use grafana for data visualization and kapacitor for alerts.
Here are 2 examples of dashboards that I have, the first one to monitor docker activity, the second one for various information about the server :

I use multiple location to store backups with various API (OpenStack Swift, S3, B2, I'll write a dedicated post about that).
Comments (not implemented)
I've tried Isso, an open source commenting server and I like it. The official repository is here and the documentation here. Maybe I'll use it later.
See you soon!
Feel free to correct me if you see any typo or if something seems wrong to you.
You can send me an email or comment below.
Picture : Markus Spiske