Cisco Nexus 5000 series: enable jumbo frame for the whole switch

Here's a little tip: how to change the MTU globally on a Cisco Nexus 5k switch?
Let's say you want to set the MTU on 9216
(jumbo frames):
sw-nx-n1# conf
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
sw-nx-n1(config)# policy-map type network-qos jumbo
sw-nx-n1(config-pmap-nq)# class type network-qos class-default
sw-nx-n1(config-pmap-nq-c)# mtu 9216
sw-nx-n1(config-pmap-nq-c)# exit
sw-nx-n1(config-pmap-nq)# exit
sw-nx-n1(config)# system qos
sw-nx-n1(config-sys-qos)# service-policy type network-qos jumbo
sw-nx-n1(config-sys-qos)# copy run start
Everything should be good!
Source : Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Quality of Service Configuration Guide
Feel free to correct me if you see any typo or if something seems wrong to you.
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